Page 175 - Krystufek_Gesamt-Katalog
P. 175

          mit kleinem PG Außen- und großem PG Innengewinde nach DIN 40430
          Werkstoff:  Polyamid                         l 1
          G75                                                            l 2
          with small external and large internal PG thread acc. to DIN 40430
          material:  polyamide                                 d 1
            Nenngröße nominal size                        Abmessung (mm)  dimensions
            PG außen   PG innen      art-number
           PG external  PG internal                     d1      l1      l2             VE
           PG   7      PG   9       • G 875070        12,5     21,0    8,0     19      100
           PG   9      PG 11        • G 875090        15,2     23,0    8,0     22      100
           PG 11       PG 13,5      • G 875110        18,6     29,0    8,0     24      100
           PG 11       PG 16        • G 875111        18,6     24,5    8,0     27      100
           PG 13,5     PG 16        • G 875130        20,4     26,0    9,0     27      100
           PG 16       PG 21        • G 875160        22,5     29,0    9,0     32      100
           PG 21       PG 29        • G 875210        28,3     32,0    10,0    42        50
           PG 29       PG 36        • G 875290        37,0     35,5    11,0    53        25
           PG 36       PG 42        • G 875360        47,0     40,5    13,0    60        10
           PG 42       PG 48        • G 875420        55,0     41,0    13,0    65        10

                                           Farbe     colour
                                         grau        grey    RAL 7035

          mit metrischem Außengewinde und PG Innengewinde
          nach EN 60423 und DIN 40430
          Werkstoff:  Polyamid
          Adapter                                     l 1
          G90                                                           l 2

          with external metric thread and internal PG thread
          acc. to EN 60423 and DIN 40430                       d 1
          material:  polyamide
            Nenngröße nominal size                        Abmessung (mm)  dimensions
            M außen    PG innen      art-number                                                                    11
           M external  PG internal                      d1      l1      l2             VE
            M 12 x 1,5  PG  7       • G 8901207       12,0     21,0     8      15      100
            M 12 x 1,5  PG  9       • G 8901209       12,0     23,5    11      19      100
            M 16 x 1,5  PG  9       • G 8901609       16,0     24,5    11      19      100
            M 20 x 1,5  PG 11       • G 8902011       20,0     26,5    11      22      100
            M 20 x 1,5  PG 13,5     • G 8902013       20,0     26,0    11      24      100
            M 25 x 1,5  PG 16       • G 8902516       25,0     29,0    11      27      50
            M 25 x 1,5  PG 21       • G 8902521       25,0     31,0    11      32      50
            M 32 x 1,5  PG 29       • G 8903229       32,0     33,0    11      42      25
            M 40 x 1,5  PG 29       • G 8904029       40,0     34,0    11      42      10
            M 50 x 1,5  PG 36       • G 8905036       50,0     37,0    11      53      10
            M 50 x 1,5  PG 42       • G 8905042       50,0     39,0    11      60      10
            M 63 x 1,5  PG 48       • G 8906348       63,0     40,0    11      65      10

                                           Farbe     colour
                                         grau        grey    RAL 7035

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